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Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Banana is the Natural Medicine
Health Tips:Banana is the Natural Medicine for all kind of health. Bananas enclose three natural sugars-sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an immediate, constant and considerable improve of power. Investigate has confirmed that just two bananas provide enough energy for an exhausting 90 minute work out.
• It can also help to conquer or prevent a large number of illness and condition, making it a must to add to our daily diet. Banana cures diseases such as, Depression, Anemia, Blood Pressure, Brain Power, Constipation and Heart burns.
• Since, banana is high in B-Vitamins that assist calm nervous system.
• High temperature control, several society see bananas as a “cooling” crop that can lower both the physical and moving temperature of hopeful mothers. For example in Thailand, pregnant women take bananas to make the baby born with a cool temperature.
• Banana also helps to shine the face in a better way. Just smash the banana and apply it on the face leave it for half an hour. By doing this way, changes can be seen on the face.
So, banana is a natural remedy for all ills, when you compare it with other fruits.
Note: The most important one is banana should not keep in Refrigerator
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Natural ways to take care of your feet
Most of us take care of our face but the feet is the most ignored part of the body. In fact the legs bear the whole weight of the body. So we should include foot care in our daily routine. Here are some ways, we can take care of our feet naturally.
1.Soak feet in a large basin or bowl to which warm water and mineral salt is added for about 10 minutes. You can even place pebbles in the large bowl and roll your feet back and forth giving slight pressure as it gives a massaging effect. Scrub using pumice stone to remove dead skin. Wash your feet well, then pat it dry and massage with a moisturizing cream.
You can even add juice of one lemon and a few neem leaves to the water as neem has antiseptic qualities. Rose petals can be added to the water.
You can even add 2 drops of lavender essential oil to the water to have a spa effect at home.
Wash your feet well and apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly at night and slip a pair of cotton socks and go to sleep. In a few weeks, your feet will become soft.
Mix lime juice, Castor oil, rose water and apply it after cleaning your feet.
Olive oil can be applied regularly to have a soft feet.
Neem paste mixed with turmeric powder can be used to treat cracked feet, though it is very messy.
Lemon rind can be rubbed daily .Wash it off after 15 minutes.
3.Walking is best exercise for your legs. Go for brisk walk at least 5 days a week.
4.Another exercise for your feet: Hold your ankles with your hand and rotate clockwise and anticlockwise. Do this for both the legs.
Also rotate each toes with your fingers.
Bend the toes forward and backwards.
Point your toes downwards as far as possible then flex them as high as possible. Do this for both the legs.
Exercise will improve blood circulation to your feet.
5.Hot (bearable) and cold treatment also improves blood circulation. Soak feet in hot water first, and then in cold water. Do this for 5-10 minutes. End with cold water .
7.Buy good fitting shoes which is comfortable for you.
8.Waxing your legs is a better option than shaving. But if you have to shave, use lot of moisturizer to avoid razor rashes.
9.Take a few minutes to massage your legs with coconut oil or olive oil everyday before bath.
10.Natural Homemade scrub for lovely legs: Squeeze juice of one fresh lemon and mix it with a little sugar and scrub gently.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Eating Healthy Foods to Get Pregnant

Did you know that in a survey of women attending London fertility clinics, a shocking 50% were suffering from vitamin deficiency after having tried to lose weight on nutrient-devoid diets?
Dieting can help people with obesity to lose weight, but dieting means eating a healthy, balanced diet with fresh and raw foods, not simply reducing the number of meals. If the number of meals are cut down, there may not be enough nutrients to sustain a pregnancy.
Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates advised all new brides to eat plenty of fruits and seeds to get pregnant and for her man to avoid alcohol and hot baths. This advice is still valid today.
A diet which is high in fresh, organic fruit, vegetables and grains is the best kind of diet. Here are some fertility superfoods which you should include in your pre-conceptual diet:
Citrus fruit - they have a high vitamin C content which has been shown to improve fertility levels
Sunflower seeds and nuts for the zinc content
Brown rice, oat, pulses and green vegetables for B vitamins. Vitamin B6 is particularly important as it helps to metabolise hormones like estrogen, which could assist you in getting pregnant. B6 is also good for pregnant women as it breaks down hormones that cause morning sickness, so having plenty of vitamin B6 in the diet can prevent or lessen morning sickness
Oily fish for omega 3, or if you are a vegetarian, linseed or flaxseeds on your breakfast cereal
Drink plenty of water and herb or fruit teas instead of coffee
Foods to Avoid :
If you're trying for a baby, there are some fertility killing foods that you should avoid. These are:
2. Tea, coffee and chocolate - these all contain caffeine which also inhibit your body's ability to absorb vitamins. Too much caffeine has also been linked to miscarriage
3. White bread - this has been stripped of its goodness
4. Sugar - too much sugar can depress your immune system. According to Dr. Sears, consuming just 75g of sugar (present in two cans of soda or a large cake) can alter your immune function. Even table sugar, fructose and honey caused a 50% drop in the white blood cells ability to destroy infection.
5. Avoid highly processed foods such as microwave dinners. They are often very high in salt and low in essential vitamins. The microwaving process also destroys vitamins. If you want something quick, eat raw. Carrot sticks, cauliflower pieces, nuts and fruit are just a few examples of food that can be eaten raw.
6. You may find that just modifying your diet is enough to kick start your ovulation and start you on the road to motherhood.