Health Tips:Banana is the Natural Medicine for all kind of health. Bananas enclose three natural sugars-sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an immediate, constant and considerable improve of power. Investigate has confirmed that just two bananas provide enough energy for an exhausting 90 minute work out.
• It can also help to conquer or prevent a large number of illness and condition, making it a must to add to our daily diet. Banana cures diseases such as, Depression, Anemia, Blood Pressure, Brain Power, Constipation and Heart burns.
• Since, banana is high in B-Vitamins that assist calm nervous system.
• High temperature control, several society see bananas as a “cooling” crop that can lower both the physical and moving temperature of hopeful mothers. For example in Thailand, pregnant women take bananas to make the baby born with a cool temperature.
• Banana also helps to shine the face in a better way. Just smash the banana and apply it on the face leave it for half an hour. By doing this way, changes can be seen on the face.
So, banana is a natural remedy for all ills, when you compare it with other fruits.
Note: The most important one is banana should not keep in Refrigerator
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