The Liver is the most sensitive, disciplined and dynamic organ of the body, which is activated when we are awakened and takes rest and is rejuvenated only when we sleep at night. Through out the day our liver is taking care of our physical, emotional, intellectual, moral and spiritual health by adjusting multiple sensors and correcting thousands and thousands of cellular chemicals. So you can well imagine how important is the optimum functioning of the liver to stay healthy. By strictly following the diet correction rules of the SLIMS Program you will energize your liver, and it is going to handle your biochemical individuality by doing certain adjustments resulting in improvement in your individual problem areas within 2 - 4 weeks.
· Correction of meal timings according to the rules of the 24 hours body clock rhythm. The most important meals are breakfast and dinner, and we have to be very careful regarding their timings, breakfast should be taken as early as possible after waking up and breakfast time finishes at 9a.m. If an early breakfast is not possible then a pre-breakfast of foods rich in antioxidants like dates, figs, nuts, raisins, prunes or honey water should be taken within 10 minutes of waking up. Adrenal glands and the Liver are the important organs which are activated within the first 10 min. of waking up, and they need starter foods. Then from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. body's intellectual or mental functions are dominant, so avoid heavy lunch and replace it with small portions of various snacks.. From 4 p.m. – 9 p.m. the body is again in digestive mode so dinner should be eaten during this time. Between all three major meals there should be an interval of minimum four hours. The Liver is rejuvenated or repaired every night between 1 a.m. – 3 a.m. and therefore do not eat any thing during this time.
· Balanced food combinations are essentially required for the control of insulin levels as well as balanced or neutral blood ph and therefore for the prevention of disease. Simple and complex carbohydrates cannot be mixed. Simple carbohydrates are digested within half an hour whereas complex carbohydrates take three and a half hours to digest. Therefore all fruits, desserts, juices or soft drinks should be taken either half an hour before the meal or three and half hours after the meals. This precaution can save you from repeated reactive hypoglycemic shocks and various hormonal imbalances, and protect you from future diabetes, cardiac problems, obesity, chronic indigestion and other serious degenerative disorders like cancers. Another important combination is of combining food groups, i.e. acidic, alkaline and neutral foods especially fruits, vegetables and nuts together in a single helping to keep the blood ph neutral, which is essential for normal function of the liver.
· Correct water intake is very essential. Before excretion water goes through a complex water metabolism and hence should be taken with care. Avoid cold or chilled water, it is liver toxic. 4-6 glasses of water in winters and 8-10 glasses of water should be taken in summers, it should be taken half an hour before or one and half hours after a meal.
· Temperature of foods and liquids taken is extremely important. You cannot combine warm meals and chilled drinks at the same meal. It puts extra load on your stomach and Liver because food needs to be brought close to body temperature before digestion.
· Avoid repetition of foods, because after few days, excess of one food starts accumulating toxic metabolites in our system, and the healing value of food starts decreasing and side effects start increasing. Repetition of foods exhaust liver detoxification process.
· Avoid all processed or un-natural foods (dead foods), especially bran products, Skim milk, white flour and hydrogenated oil products, foods with artificial sweeteners, and all other man made and genetically modified foods like broiler chicken. Focus on natural foods ( living foods). The chemicals of artificial food overburden liver and kidney functions.
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