Causes of Dandruff
The various contributing factors in the cause of dandruff are:
- Poor nutrition
- Deficiency of zinc
- Fungus (malassezia furfur)
- Yeast infections
- High use of alkaline soaps and Shampoos
Home Remedies for Dandruff
Hot steam bath is highly beneficial for the hair and scalp. Massage hot oil and wrap a hot damp towel on the head for few minutes.
Immerse peels of lemon in coconut oil for 8-10 days in sunshine. Now sieve and apply on the hair. Hair will become dandruff free.
Hot oil therapy is the best method to cure dandruff. Massage hot oil into the scalp at bedtime. Next morning an hour before the bath, rub lemon juice mixed with cosmetic vinegar into the scalp with cotton wool. Wash your hair properly and as a last rinse use the juice of one lemon in a cup of hot water. Continue this treatment once or twice a week for three months.
Mix two tablespoons of cosmetic vinegar and six tablespoons of hot water. Dab this with cotton on the scalp and leave it overnight. Next morning wash the hair with a shampoo. - Home Remedy for Dandruff
Mix beetroot juice in vinegar and apply on the scalp. Ginger juice and beetroot juice mixed together and applied on the scalp are also beneficial.
The juice of Snake gourd is helpfulin the prevention and dandruff treatment. The juice should be rubbed over the scalp for this purpose.
Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh apple juice to 2 tablespoons of warm water, apply on hair, rub, leave for 10-15 minutes and then rinse. Repeat this process 2-3 times a week to get rid of dandruff. This dandruff remedy is useful natural remedy for dandruff.
Dandruff treatment - Massage your scalp with the mixture of olive oil and almond oil; leave it for five minutes after you feel the burning sensation. Rinse properly for a dandruff free hair.
Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Grind the softened seeds in the morning, apply this paste on the scalp and leave it for half an hour. Then wash you hair with ritha solution or shikakai. This is also popular and effective home remedy for dandruff.
Cider vinegar added to the final rinsing water after shampooing also helps to prevent dandruff. This is very effective dandruff cure.
Exposure of the head to the rays of the sun is also useful measure in the treatment of dandruff.
Warm 300 grams of coconut oil with 3 grams of black pepper. When it starts boiling stop heating, sieve with a fine cloth and keep in a bottle. Massage with fingertips in the night gently. This is another useful home remedy for dandruff.
The use of a teaspoon of fresh lime juice for the last rinse while washing hair is highly beneficial. It leaves the hair glowing and also removes stickiness and prevents dandruff.
Mash beetroot leaves in henna paste and apply on the head to prevent dandruff and hair fall. This is also effective natural remedy for dandruff.
Rub the juice of snake gourd on the scalp for the treatment of dandruff.
Massage the hair for half an hour with curd which has been left open for 3 days or with few drops of lime juice mixed with amla every night before going to bed. This dandruff remedy is very simple and is one of the most popular home remedies for dandruff.
Application of processed henna once in 15 days helps to prevent dandruff. Boil equal amounts of amla and shikakai powder in water and allow it to cool. Now mix henna powder, very small amount of fenugreek and roasted clove powder, a little lemon juice and egg. Effective dandruff remedy.
Wash the hair with green gram powder in curd twice a week.
Beat two eggs and add two tablespoons of water to it. Wet the hair and apply the egg mixture over the hair. Now massage your scalp and let the mixture on for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse the hair with lukewarm water. This will keep both dandruff and hair fall problem away from you. This is also useful and one of the effective home remedies for dandruff.
Meats, sugar, strong tea or coffee, processed fruits, candies, soft drinks, pickles should be avoided. This is not a good diet for dandruff.
Diet for dandruff - Emphasis should be on raw foods especially freshfruits and vegetables, sprouted seeds, raw nuts and whole grain cereals.
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